Reunion Events

We're organising a reunion at Brasserie Blanc on Monday 19 May 2025 for all adult old boys. Invitations will be sent out in late February. If you want to reserve your place please contact David Burr.

Facebook Group

To make it easier for us all to keep in touch, why not join our Facebook group? If you're on Facebook already it's the easiest way to be kept in the loop about events, to get back in touch with old friends, to hear news from other old AH boys, and regular updates about what's happening at the school today too. Our group is called: Arnold House School 'Old Boys'.

Mailing List

The Club and The School send out a number of postal mailings each year including newsletters and invitations to reunions and other events. Click here to add your contact details to the School's database.

© Arnold House School '42 Club. Click here to contact the Webmaster.